Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Slave Flash

Yep. I very nearly could have frozen to death these last two days, werkin' in the sun. Lucky to survive, I was, so when I got home to the CB and found Rayetta and Crumby experimenting with the slave flashes, I said, I want to help ye, sister and bosom companion. For I have not seen so much flash light since, I don't know when.

So that's how come I got to pose here with the slave flashes. What we are trying to figure out is how far the C5060 can be from the slaves and still trigger them. Believe it or not, the distance is important, fer us. Here, the C5060 is about 18" from the slaves. Interestingly, the slave flash on the left has brand new batteries, while the slave flash on the right has been used for maybe a tousand or maybe two tousand shots on the same batteries.* One can easily see that the slave on the left is brighter. This leads us to the conclusion that there is no possible way to control the amount of light emitted by these slave flashes. But that's OK. Light is light.

These slave flashes are almost too cute. Naturally, because they are almost too cute, I am having disturbing polymorphous erotic thoughts about them. Rayetta says that's exactly why we got two slave flashes, so they could watch out for each other.

* When Druids don't know a precise number, Druids use the phrase, maybe one tousand, maybe two tousand, to indicate an imprecise numerical quantity.

The Ark Druid


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