Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Disposition of the Extra Utilitarian Camera Device - by C. Ovate, Purchaser

So I got a job so I could buy the CB a back up camera to back up the trusty C-5060. The one I bought, an E-330 dslr, broke within a month of its arrival at the CB. That pissed everyone off, so I mailed it expeditiously off to California for repairs. It came back about 10 days later, fixed. I do not know what was wrong with it, and I do not know what they did to it in California to fix it. But it is fixed for the time being. Plus, it got fixed for free except for the cost of mailing it out to California. That is good. But now I do not trust it. It broke, inexplicably and could, break again, with me, its purchaser, none the wiser.

The fixers were nowise helpful with wising me up. Apparently, fixing for free does not include any explanatory information regarding what was done to fix it, the camera. Oh well!

But all this, the purchase of it, the back up camera, plus purchasing accessories and lenses for the back up camera led me to the strange world of photography forums. Strange is maybe not the right adjective though, goofy is a better descriptor. Yep, the goofy world of photography forums. No that's not it, not goofy. More like McLuhanesque. That's it, McLuhanesque. No, goofy and McLuhanesque rolled into one venue.

I am a member of two of these photo forums. Mercy! Not only can I not view the pictures expeditiously, modem challenged, I am morbidly curious about the great issues discussed. Mercy! Like, "What dslr camera and lens combo should I buy to take on my camel trip from Riyadh to Islamabad? I am leaving in a week. The guide service tells me that mostly I should pack water bags and that my camel may not move along if I overload it. So camera and lens combo weight is an important consideration. On the other hand, I have heard that bigger lenses make bigger pictures and I want all my pictures to be as big as possible. Should I order an extra camel?"

Then there is the fascinating topic, lens upgrades. Mercy! I found out that a camera lens can retail for 6000 buckaroos or even more. Mercy! The lens that may come with the camera, the "kit" lens only costs 200 buckaroos. But the kit lens is worthless for taking the kinds of artistic pictures all of us except the modem afflicted prefer. And the upgrade lens takes pictures that make the subject look like, er, a naked Botticelli painting or, er, a, er, whatever. Generally speaking, the more your gear costs, the better your pictures turn out.

Sometimes on the forum a poor soul will take a picture of a duck or some such and request help with identifying the duck. "What kind of a bird is this? Is it a duck?"

Someone will eventually answer the query and start an e-mail argument.

"That is a common duck."

"No you ignoramus, it's a pigeon, or maybe a chicken."

"How can either of you jerks tell what it is? The picture has lousy "bokeh"."

"Boo-hoo-hoo. My picture has lousy bokeh. What lens should I buy so my picture will have better bokeh? Will the new lens fit on my camel?"

Anyway, none of the above is putting me off photography. I just need to get rid of some newly acquired bad habits.


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