Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - For the Birds

Look Ray. You are not going to re-chafe yourself sitting at a desk in an air conditioned laboratory. Go on and do your thought.

All righty then. Here I go. Here I am in the laboratory. Now I just have to turn on all these appliances, move all this out of the way, and I am all set. Got to keep 'em separated!

Er. As many an ornithologer knows, the migratory dickie birds pass through these parts as our little planet tilts ever closer to the fickle Ogma. Seasonally, this occurs around the end of Hope Remains, and the beginning of Beelzebubberiffic, and represents the temporal interval when the active ornithologer is apt to espy or encounter these birds earwise. At the CB we keep a yard list of all the migrant dickie birds we espy or detect earwise.

This time, despite what was formally considered rather optimal weather conditions for espying these illegal migrants, the list is short and paltry. Here that list is.

Baltimore Oriole
Empidonax flycatcher
Nashville Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Yellow-breasted Chat

Several Nashville Warblers and the Baltimore Orioles were noted. We encountered about one each of the rest of them. Crumby and Rayetta saw one Blackburnian Warbler outside the CB. Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful.


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