Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Rayetta's Butterflies - tropical leafwing Anaea aidea

Well now. Since the hackberry emperor showed up at the feeder, we have had a few additional new butterfly visitors to the CB. Among these, a juniper hairstreak. There are no junipers at the CB, but there are some junipers in the general vicinity of the CB. Our juniper hairstreak was enjoying itself on yarrow (Achillea millefolium) or something similar. But that is not what this is about. This is about a butterfly I barely got a picture of, while helping Crumby enumerate birds. With regard to Crumby's job, Crumby has actually enumerated quite a few birds. I am quite certain that if I had not gone along with Crumby on his job, he would have enumerated far fewer birds. So far from being a distraction, I have instead been a great help to Crumby on the job.

Hmmm. Oh yes. This is a very poor shot of a tropical leafwing. But remember, the game here is documentation, and the field marks are apparent in this photograph, maybe.


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