Monday, June 04, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Rainfall Update

As everyone with a lick of sense knows, thunder results from potatoes, also known as pomme de terres, or tatws, rolling down a ramp into the potato cellar. That is why we all enjoy an abundance of potatoes, the most delicious of the filler-up vegetables. The only down side to this methodology is that the potatoes get mixed up with beets and turnips. So a person needs to be careful, when selecting items in the cellar, not to wind up with a turnip, fer supper.

Yepper, those kindly yet satirical giants responsible for potato distribution mix turnips and beets in with the potatoes. However, the discerning person, listening to thunder, may ascertain whether a particular thunder is the result of a rolling potato versus a rolling turnip or beet. An abundance of rolling turnips is a sure sign hard times are upcoming. If you don’t believe me, try out a big steaming bowl of mashed turnips, fer supper. Or better yet, try out an economy sized Mason jar of pickled beets.

At the orphanage, one of Dr. Swineherd’s many ancillary charges was determining the eventual fate of the beets. Sometimes Dr. Swineherd would ask my opinion.
Ray, should we pickle these beets or feed them to the pigs?
When I was very little, I would senselessly holler back,
Pickle them beets.
But later in life, after a few jars of beets under my belt, I would caution,
Feed them beets to the pigs. Them pigs are starving.

Hold it! The new rainfall total for Day 166 of DY 1 is 24.95" + 1.7" = 26.65". Praise the Goddess!


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