Rayetta's Butterflies - Out and About
My busy schedule has not allowed for major butterfly safaris outside the CB. Nevertheless, I have gone off twice with the semi-expressed intent of seeking out butterflies, elsewhere.
Many moons ago, perhaps around this time last year, Ray, or maybe Crumby, captured three crimson patch caterpillars. Those unlucky caterpillars were subsequently released at the CB. The general opinion was, the CB has plenty of crimson patch caterpillar food, so those particular caterpillars should like it here. Well, apparently, they didn't.
So I backtracked to the location the crimson patch caterpillars were captured to see how they were doing. They are doing OK. This one is lollygagging.
Earlier, at a disparate location, I found yet another butterfly that is not represented at the CB. This one is Hayhurst's scallopwing. It is sitting on Calyptocarpus vialis, known in the nursery trade as, horse herb.
Finally, I recall the arrival of the white-striped longtail at the CB. Gracious sakes, I was so excited. Long I labored to take its picture. Yet long it nervously eluded me. Now though, with 8-10 white-striped longtails at the CB, I have lots of pictures. Now, this species has a culture or way of life properly set up at the CB. They are calm, and like to have their pictures taken.
Many moons ago, perhaps around this time last year, Ray, or maybe Crumby, captured three crimson patch caterpillars. Those unlucky caterpillars were subsequently released at the CB. The general opinion was, the CB has plenty of crimson patch caterpillar food, so those particular caterpillars should like it here. Well, apparently, they didn't.
Finally, I recall the arrival of the white-striped longtail at the CB. Gracious sakes, I was so excited. Long I labored to take its picture. Yet long it nervously eluded me. Now though, with 8-10 white-striped longtails at the CB, I have lots of pictures. Now, this species has a culture or way of life properly set up at the CB. They are calm, and like to have their pictures taken.
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