Friday, September 14, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Living with Imperialism

Yesterday I was out and about early, driving off to where I werk in the sun. Sometimes, when I am driving about, I count cars. Yesterday morning, during my passage along Manchaca, I counted 73 vehicles headed west between Frate Barker and the Menchaca Middle School. None of those 73 vehicles were making huge amounts of progress.

Most anywhere in the Capital (sic) of the Republic of Tejas at that time of day, it is easy to espy tons of vehicles making slow yet intermittent progress. The operators of the vehicles are, just like me, headed off to werk. We all use up plenty of energy getting ourselves to werk. We like to idle at the lights, resting up prior to another hard day's werk.

Yet, all of US idling at the lights are the beneficiaries of energy trickle down, maybe. Where's the energy coming from, allowing US to idle at the lights? Easy that, miserable Iraq, is the source of all that energy, maybe.

Remember, the Kinglet or Chitlin and Associates proclaimed, long ago, that the miserable Iraqi oil would pay for the occupation of miserable Iraq. The occupation of miserable Iraq would allow US to steal the Iraqi oil. So I figure, some of that miserable Iraqi oil is now trickling down to US. We may be using miserable Iraqi oil up, idling at the lights, maybe.

Miserable Iraq has/had plenty of oil, maybe. Pre-occupation, miserable Iraq had the second most oil of any country, after Saudi Arabia, reportedly. Course the miserable Iraqis also had other stuff, reportedly, too.

Now that miserable Iraq, the colony, is no longer a country, what's happened to the miserable Iraqi oil? Who owns that oil? Where is that oil headed? Is Chitlin getting his cut of that oil? Is Chitlin trickling some of his cut my way? Mercy! Who knows?


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