Monday, September 03, 2007

Ray's Rainfall Update Plus Chorts

Historically, I have never favored short pants that some call shorts or chorts. However, times change. These days, I have taken to wearing shorts for the increased air circulation they afford. Yepper, inner thigh chafing events are such a threat to my way of life that now I wear shorts.

Besides the air circulation shorts provide, versus the comparitively poor air circulation of regular pants, the shorts also take up less room in the clothes washer than regular pants. Also, since there is less of them, they don't get as dirty as pants, so they require less soap and water. So that makes shorts relatively eco-friendly. Course my relatively eco-friendly shorts are unlikely to counter balance the upcoming death of nature, but they might delay it a nonce or two.

The only other shorts virtue I can think of is, shorts don't get holes in the knee region. My pants always get holes in the knees, first. Then, once the holes appear, I get annoyed with those pants.

Other than all that, shorts have no other virtues. Other than all that, shorts are miserable, allowing, as they do, free access to the legs for every sticker, prickle, spine, fang, mandible and stinger. Even so, these minor hazards are preferable to an inner thigh chafing event.

All righty then. I have been fretting about shorts for some time and I needed to get my inner feelings about shorts out in the open. Now I feel lots better.

The rain has fallen again, twice, since the last update. Yet I have only checked the gauge after the foremost of those rainfall events. That means I shall need to do another update tomorrow. OK. The new total is 43.08" + 0.40" = 43.48". Praise the Goddess!


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