Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ray’s Thought for the Day - Living with the Trickle Down

Among US, these days, and for quite a spell previous to these days, society has been ordered by the trickle down. How does the trickle down operate? Easy that, the US government, or state, allows the super rich to keep most all of their hard-earned incomes, instead of taxing their hard-earned incomes. Then, the super rich, flush with all that cash, spend that cash, or invest that cash. The lucky rest of US, then get some of that cash in the form of trickle down. Here’s an example. A super rich person decides to build another mansion in a remote area. But there are no helicopter pads or airplane runways in the remote area. Plus the roads, utilities and private golf courses in that remote area may be substandard compared to what a super rich person may be used to. So the super rich person must spend cash to purchase all those items. Yep, the super rich must either spend their own cash or convince the government to pay for some of those road and utility items for the sake of progress in the remote area. Yet eventually the super rich person may pay somebody to do some work on the new, another mansion out of his or her own pocket. That pay is the trickle down. That pay check, may either come directly from the coffers of the super rich person, or, that pay check may come from the US government. If the paycheck comes from the US government, the trickle is more properly referred to as, sideways trickle.

These days, the super rich are more cosmopolitan than ever. That means the trickle down is more cosmopolitan than ever. And that also means, anybody, anywhere, no matter how miserable the anybody or anywhere, can potentially, get some. Often, the most miserable anybody, anywhere, can get some, actual trickle down, but more likely, that miserable anybody may get sideways trickle too, in addition to the actual trickle down, or maybe just sideways trickle. The miserable Iraqis, for the nonce, get mostly sideways trickle. Yepper, even the miserable Iraqis, get some.

Now, having considered the trickle down and sideways trickle that the super rich organize for the benefit of US, plus the miserable anybodies, anywhere, let’s consider the effects of trickle down on the old US noggin. The old US noggin (what passes for collective consciousness among US, maybe) is filled with opinions regarding the super rich. Nearly all these opinions revolve around trickle down, specifically, getting some from the super rich.

Getting some from the super rich generally means doing something for the super rich that pleases the super rich. So that places all of US in competition, thinking up stuff that shall ultimately please the super rich. A service, idea or gizmo, or idea/gizmo combo, created by one of US, may result in comparatively abundant trickle down. If that happens, the American dream for that trickle down recipient noggin is realized. That is the wonderful mythology, realized. Or, just holding down a job, getting some from the trickle down stream repetitively, may realize the wonderful mythology for that recipient noggin. Either way, to get some, somehow, the individual noggin, perhaps even considered collectively, must please the super rich.

Uh. I almost forgot about stock. US noggins purchasing stock in their global corporations pleases the super rich very much and may lead to plenty of trickle down. Or maybe not.

Gee whiz! Some noggins may be insulted, controlled thusly by the super rich. These noggins may surmise, to heck with pleasing the super rich. I wish to please, just me. Often, these noggins wind up in prison. Or, these noggins are attached to slackers, lurking in the shadows. Oooooo! That’s pretty scary. Considered globally, there may be quite a few assorted noggins who surmise, I shall not please the super rich, because, pleasing the super rich is against my religion. Druids fall into this latter assorted noggin category.


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