Saturday, March 08, 2008

Eight Ways the New Kinglet or Queenlet Could Help Restore the CBs Faith in Democracy

OK. We have been considering what the new queenlet or kinglet could do to make the CB feel better about US democracy.

1. Open records on the activities of the CIA. Obviously the CIA has been torturing prisoners and assassinating foreign leaders in secret. Do we want our tax dollars going for all that? The present kinglet wants to legalize the torture so the CIA can indulge in torture with a clear conscience. But the present kinglet only wants to legalize some torture. The other torture would still be accomplished in secret. Our new kinglet or queenlet needs to tell US straight up about that. Because it is our money.

2. Stop messing with Cuba. We do not want the CB tax dollars going to restore the property rights of the former Cuban ruling class. Rumor has it that some of those former ruling class types may be actual organized criminals. They got what they deserved.

3. Knock heads at the FBI. Now we have big shots at the FBI claiming that ELF is about the worst threat to US, anywhere. Meantime, the economy falters in response to white collar criminal shenanigans and political corruption. Get a grip, FBI.

4. Command all the minions to start enforcing the laws impartially. The present kinglet only enforces laws he likes personally. The present vice kinglet actually assists his cronies in evading laws. Uh, what is democratic about that?

5. A top down review of the topic, Is imperialism good for US democracy? You know, at some point, after years and years, even the most idiotic Americano could realize that permanent occupation of foreign parts is not the same as war.

6. Make lots more drugs legal for personal recreational use, especially Cannibis sativa. Now that cheap energy has made history, no more calming Sunday drives, US shall need lots more drugs to calm US down. Yes. The new kinglet or queenlet should spell out that Americanos need to stay home and enjoy their new legal drugs instead of driving around in great vehicles wasting energy.

7. Leave Jesus out of it. Hey, potential kinglet or queenlet. There is no way Jesus would tell you it is OK to order your minions to assassinate or torture somebody. Plus, Jesus would never say, In some situations, my son or daughter, it is OK to rob the poor to give to the rich. Jesus would not say that. So leave Jesus out of it, assholes. Let me reiterate. We can not vote for or support the antics of someone who is constantly involving Jesus in every little sinful detail of their wicked life.

8. Break up the monopolies. Especially, we need to start growing our own drugs, and becoming self sufficient in terms of communication. The new kinglet or queenlet needs to help US accomplish those personal dreams.

That is two fours to make eight. Octo!

Ray’s addendum: The new kinglet or queenlet needs to subsidize my delicious cinnamon buns. I am fretful of another price hike any week now.


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