Crumby’s Serpents - Thamnophis marcianus marcianus
Yes, that’s right. Crumby can do the snakes. That way, nobody else has to do the snakes. Fortunately for Crumby, the snakes are mostly, history.
I didn’t know garter snakes ate my Sigmodons. But look at this fat rascal. And this one is a garter snake. Imagine how many of my Sigmodons a really big snake could eat, six, maybe eight.
Actually, I only suspect this checkered garter snake is full of my rats. It may be full of something else. Anyway, here this snake is, located right out from the front porch. Rayetta first espied it.
Crumby, come look at this snake!
Dern it! Snakes are the super opposite of children. Better not seen or heard. Anyway, I was compelled to take its picture. This is a good sized checkered garter snake. I am certain that everyone else in these parts could easily identity it as a rattlesnake.
Fortunately for me, Crumby, this segment of the venue, Serpents, shall be blessedly intermittent.
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