Hyphantria cunea - Moth, or Muth, from Hell or Hades
The little white moths, or muths, of this species are flying lately. Also known as fall webworms, bagworms, pecan bagworms, tent caterpillars and vermin; the caterpillars of this species eats up mass quantities of pecan foliage every year. So it is best to shoot them on the wing before they can lay eggs.
If you are a good shot, you can easily shoot down these moths with a BB gun. Be careful though, not to accidentally shoot birds while you are shooting at the moths. Those birds are trying to help you with your bagworm problem. Just shoot the moths.
I am a fair hand at shooting moths on the wing with my Daisy pump action. Later, once the dew dries up, I shall go forth into the pecan orchard. Then the slaughter shall begin. I shall show no mercy.
Hold it! Where’s my BB gun? Where’s my BBs? Crumby, have you seen my BB gun and my BBs?
The ladies hid those items, Ray. Using my ovational skills I heard them talking it over. They were afraid you would make a public nuisance of yourself , bosom companion, plus maybe shoot yourself.
Dang it! What about my Second Amendment right to bear arms? Seriously though, it would be nice to afflict those moths before they lay all those eggs all over.
Yep, it sure would Ray. But so far those moths have not appeared in large numbers. Not like some years when they present the aspect of a late Hope Remains the Season, snow storm. The fact is, so far they have appeared in such low numbers that I am fixing to have trouble capturing one of them. What I want to do is capture one, torture it, take its picture, then torture it to death. Once the rest of them espy what I am up to, they shall be scared off and the pecan foliage shall be afflicted not at all.
Seriously though Crumby, do you think that shall work?
Not at all Ray, but I shall feel better. By the way, Ray, could you drop by a hobby store on the way home from work? Much time has passed since we possessed an operational butterfly net. Pick up about a three cubit length of wedding veil material. Uh, pick up some needles too.
I may be too tired to do all that, Crumby.
No you won’t be too tired, Ray. I have already foreseen it. You shall round out your chest, bosom companion, and stop by the hobby store. Plus get me some new sewing needles.
Maybe Crumby, if you have ovated thusly.
Well, as it turns out, I, Crumby Ovate, got my ovation date wrong. Ray goes by the hobby store, Saturday. However, as everyone knows, patience is not a virtue of Druids, this one in particular. So instead of catching one of these moths, or muths, and photographing it, I have worked up an artist’s conception of what one of them probably looks about like. Here that is.
If you are a good shot, you can easily shoot down these moths with a BB gun. Be careful though, not to accidentally shoot birds while you are shooting at the moths. Those birds are trying to help you with your bagworm problem. Just shoot the moths.
I am a fair hand at shooting moths on the wing with my Daisy pump action. Later, once the dew dries up, I shall go forth into the pecan orchard. Then the slaughter shall begin. I shall show no mercy.
Hold it! Where’s my BB gun? Where’s my BBs? Crumby, have you seen my BB gun and my BBs?
The ladies hid those items, Ray. Using my ovational skills I heard them talking it over. They were afraid you would make a public nuisance of yourself , bosom companion, plus maybe shoot yourself.
Dang it! What about my Second Amendment right to bear arms? Seriously though, it would be nice to afflict those moths before they lay all those eggs all over.
Yep, it sure would Ray. But so far those moths have not appeared in large numbers. Not like some years when they present the aspect of a late Hope Remains the Season, snow storm. The fact is, so far they have appeared in such low numbers that I am fixing to have trouble capturing one of them. What I want to do is capture one, torture it, take its picture, then torture it to death. Once the rest of them espy what I am up to, they shall be scared off and the pecan foliage shall be afflicted not at all.
Seriously though Crumby, do you think that shall work?
Not at all Ray, but I shall feel better. By the way, Ray, could you drop by a hobby store on the way home from work? Much time has passed since we possessed an operational butterfly net. Pick up about a three cubit length of wedding veil material. Uh, pick up some needles too.
I may be too tired to do all that, Crumby.
No you won’t be too tired, Ray. I have already foreseen it. You shall round out your chest, bosom companion, and stop by the hobby store. Plus get me some new sewing needles.
Maybe Crumby, if you have ovated thusly.

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