Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Ray's Rainfall Update - Day 102, DY 2

To be fair, the gauge did collect a bare trace of water lately apart from the water and vinegar mixture I put in it. How much it collected lately is unknown. Extrapolating from various data sources, about 0.01" is indicated. That is what I shall go with. So the new total is, 0.01" + 4.68" = 4.69".

Only the irrigated prosper. Time to fix all the hoses, which, in these parts, means yanking them up from where the various stolons have grown over them.

Bosom companion! Crumby! I espy that you are up and at 'em. Also, I see by reading somewhat of your recent past history that you promised my sister, faithfully, that you would check out the nearby GCW habitat for GCWs. Yet, I believe you have failed to keep that promise.

True enough, Ray. Yet I may yet perform that chore, anon, despite my tricky knee. For the pathways in that lingering yet relict habitat are mighty treacherous for the crippled.

It is all these chores I am saddled with. I am a pack mule for chores. Great chore like burdens I bear. I am a pack mule for chores. Would that you could espy, Ray, how my lateral view heaves with the labor of all these chores. Yet, all you may perceive is my equine countennace, my tail, and my hooves. So burdened am I.

Yes. I see that Crumby. Yet you should set forth, Goddess allowing.

I know Ray, bosom companion. I know what's good, fer me.

Sorry about how confusing the previous is. I had to edit a bunch of Crumby's remarks. Then I got mixed up. Sorry about that.



Guess what Rayetta. I found one.


There is a GCW behind the liquor store. You should go take its picture. Mercy! I sure am happy to say I got over into those dangerous parts so expeditiously and happily found you a territory right off. Go take its picture. Rayetta. Its right behind the liquor store.

Hmmm. So you finally went scouting. And you found a GCW instantaneously. Is that what I was supposed to guess?

Correct Rayetta. Except that the journey was long and arduous and had to compete for attention with the AC repairman who actually got to see one of the CB coachwhips which was a little strange. But that particular AC repairman is atypical. Praise the Goddess those coachwhips may have eaten most of the rats. Praise the WG, no rats swarmed the AC repairman. Plus, the AC is entirely fixed. Notice how cool it is. And to top it off, there is an easily accessible GCW territory behind the liquor store where you can ply your photography skills on that rare Dendroica. Have I pleased you, Lovely Druidess?

Maybe. I shall need to verify this information independently.

OK. But it is all true. There goes Rayetta. What's this? Ray has messed up all my pack mule speeches. Dern it!


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