Sunday, October 05, 2008

Now that the Ruling Class is Safe, Praise Jesus! And Mabon?!

Mercy! What a close call the ruling class had. Yet, thanks be to all the lower class Americanos the ruling class is safe and happy again. Yepper. We pulled off the big bailout together. So the ruling class, free enterprise and the free market have been saved, again. Praise Jesus!

Jesus, by the way, is locked up in the Williamson County detention center for illegal Mexicans. He needs to be let out so he can provide some cheap labor, or if he labors directly for our precious ruling class, free labor. Free labor! Yikes! How does that work?

Easy that. Jesus works for free for the ruling class because whatever chump change Jesus earns gets subsidized 110% by the tax payers. Remember, socialism for the rich, also known as fascism, means the rich are provided with all the stuff they need, including Jesus’s labor, for free. That’s why the system is called the free enterprise system.

Besides Jesus, the average ruling class dude or dudette gets free energy, free housing, free medical care, free food, free great vehicles, free airplane rides, free legal service and free politicians in their jacket pockets right next to their flag pins. Praise Jesus! Americano Land is the best place on Earth, for the rich.

Meantime, here in Austink, Das Kapital of the ROT, the local newspaper semi-reliably reports that a bunch of my pagan co-religionists assembled in Wooldrige Park to hawk gee-gaws and celebrate the festival of Mabon? Who the hell is Mabon?

Well. My best guess is that the Mabon in question is Mabon, son of Modron. Mabon son of Modron is featured in the book, Cuhlwch and Olwen. Seems like Mabon was kidnaped when he was three days old, snatched from the Ample Bosoms, then cruelly imprisoned in a dingy castle dungeon, plus tortured, all his life after that.

But then one day, Mabon is rescued by King Arthur. Cei actually performs the rescue but under King Arthur’s supervision. Once Mabon is set free, his job is to handle the hound Drudwyn during the upcoming hunt for Twrch Trwyth. The fact is, without Mabon, the hunt could not proceed. Which is why Mabon had to be rescued in the first place.

So I reckon Mabon’s story is a metaphor for life as we know it. Certainly, my life story closely parallels Mabon’s. There I was, a tiny helpless baby, imprisoned in Americano Land, cut off from Nature. There I was, forever taunted and tortured by cell mates and guards alike. Is there no relief from this stupidity?, I cried out.

Just when I figured I couldn’t take any more of the stupidity, the merciful White Goddess intervened. She didn’t send King Arthur and Cei to rescue me though. No. I was rescued by a giant chicken.


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