Thursday, June 18, 2009

Spooky Facts of Nature

Beelzebub has descended or ascended upon the land. Yes. The great Christian demi-god, Satan, that some call Natas, is totally in charge of these parts. How do I know that Natas is in charge? Easy that, it is hot as Hell or Hades. So I figure, since it is hot as Hell, and Natas is purportedly in charge of Hell, he is also probably responsible for the great heat afflicting these parts. That’s right. The heat gripping the Republico Booblico is rising up from Hell, via abandoned yet improperly plugged wells, thanks to Natas.

Regardless where the heat is arising from, the heat, is good for the economy. Yet what’s good for the economy is bad for nature. This year, the bald cypress and the red buckeye at the CB decided to go deciduous the first week of June. Normally they wait until the last week of June. This year, only two butterflies have shown up in any numbers; queen and gulf fritillary. Spooky!

What’s with the wind? Is it Natas that has stirred up the wind so that the wind blows furiously all night long? Maybe. Furiously whipping nocturnal winds plus Newtonian telescopes on Dobson mounts are a bad mix. Terrible shit can happen.

Like one time Karl the Tracker Druid got a job finding a lost Boy Scout. What happened was, the Boys Scouts were all lined up, each awaiting a turn at looking through a great big Newtonian. That Newtonian was so huge, the little boys had to climb up a ladder to reach the peephole.

Suddenly a great gust of nocturnal wind caught the mighty Newtonian. The little Boy Scout atop the ladder let out a squeal. Whee! He threw his little arms around the neck of the great tube. He hung on for dear life. Mercy! Yet anon, centrifugal force overcame the friction of the little Boy Scout’s grip.

Karl eventually found that particular Boy Scout in the next county which happened to be Blanco County. Karl arrived just in time. Because as everyone with any sense knows, the main combo industry and sport in Blanco County is shooting Blancos. And Blancos can easily be mistaken for Boy Scouts. That’s how similar the twain is. So Karl arrived just in the nick of time to save that Boy Scout.


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