Friday, July 17, 2009

The Great Heat Abated for a Tiny Nonce

My custom is to arise early. That’s because in these parts, as the day progresses, the worst is yet to come. Correct. By 10 o’clock Natas owns the place. Lately, the heat has afflicted even a 6 o’clock. But not nearly like at 10 o’clock. So get shit off your chest early. That’s what I figure. Hey! What’s with o’clock. Is o’clock, Irish?

Briefly, around 6:35 o’clock, a refreshing breeze blew from the north. What the heck? Somebody must have opened the doors on a refrigerator truck. After that brief respite it was back to the great heat, the incredible shit Natas deals out to these parts this time of year. The reason Natas does this great heat is because the piece of shit Republican sin doers actually believe in Natas. So Natas, also known as Beelzebub, is paying their sorry asses back. Oh well.

All righty then. Here is my jury attitude. If the perpetrator in the docks is a Republican, that Republican can count on my vote for conviction with the maximum penalty allowable, preferably deportation. If the perp is a Democrat, that Democrat gets 50 bucks and a get out of jail free card. If the perp is an anarchist, socialist or communist, that particular perp gets immediate access to a nice social security check, perp age irrelevant.

OK. I, Crumby, have been selected for jury duty. So right away I made a silly mistake on the form the Tejas Nazi government has a normal person fill out for jury duty. Like I indicated that I was unemployed on the form. But that’s because there was no option for the intermittently employed, which describes my relationship to the means of production, perfectly. Yes. I am not unemployed, I am employed, sometimes or intermittently.

Like this morning I was employed. But then all of sudden I espied a female or lady swamp darner totally trapped in the same general shed where I was figuratively producing surplus value. Goodness gracious! This is the biggest dragonfly I have ever espied in these parts, Crumby declaimed. So then Crumby took time out from his busy work schedule. First, Crumby took up the big lady dragonfly. Then Crumby put that lady dragonfly into the bowl of a salad spinner. Then Crumby took that dragonfly’s picture. Turn’s out, that dragonfly is a Swamp Darner, (Epiaeschana heros).

It’s true. Greenhouse type locations easily trap lots of butterflies, dragonflies and other assorted insects because, once they fly in, they are too dumb to fly out, much like Republicans in the U S. Yes. Republicans are too dumb to migrate, even though, everyone else agrees they should.


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