Saturday, July 18, 2009

Which, Moon or Ample Bosoms (ABs)?

When Moon is bright and up all night, the average amateur astronomer may as well go to bed. Unless of course, Moon is the object of the amateur astronomer’s attention. In which case, the amateur astronomer may not be average.

When Moon is absent, I, Crumby the Ovate, feel like I need to stay outside searching for the many naked heathen celestial bodies that tend to get obscured in all the Moonlight. Or, if Moons up, I feel easy about wasting my life away supine on the Ample Bosoms.

Interestingly, our little mammalian symbionts, that is cats and dogs, often known as pets, seem to cavort about more when Moon is up, eschewing the ABs. That’s right. Cats and dogs can cause lots of trouble under a full Moon. But not me. I am asleep. Or would be if the dern pets could behave themselves.

Yes. There is nothing quite like pulling an AB or two over your noggin. Yes. Pull that titty over your noggin. That way, the titty can maybe block some of the light and noise pollution that may afflict many as we try to get a little rest.

Last night, even with Moon down, was a really bad night for an average amateur astronomer. You know you have bad seeing when globular clusters are invisible. Admittedly M55 and M72 are not the brightest globulars. But last night, the seeing sucked so bad, they were totally invisible. I actually feel like the Republicans are making light pollution worse in these parts. I didn’t think that was possible. But apparently they have somehow brightened up the night sky even more, since last summer. Jeez Louise!

Dern it! Yesterday I got my feelings hurt. That’s right. Simon says, Crumby, you blame everything on the Republicans. The implication being like I am unfairly blaming those Republicans for everything. But it’s true, actually. I do blame the Republicans for everything. And I mean all the Republicans, the Judas goat Republicans plus the many Republican sheep. They are all responsible.

For example, I blame the Republicans specifically and in particular for the terrible climate change afflicting these parts. Yes. It is primarily Republican realtors riding air conditioned Humjobs that create the high pressure ridges. Those high pressure ridges are rendering these parts uninhabitable. Anon, these parts shall become about the worst desert anywhere. Uninhabitable! Whose fault is that? Republicans! Dumbshit fuckers!

Totally afflicted by the great heat, even I , Crumby, the penultimate greatest of the Druid ovates, had to resort to art to keep myself entertained. Imagine. There I was taking photos of potentially historic clothes pins. How long may clothes pins stay on the line? Probably not 50 years. These miserable twain clothes pins may actually decay to nothingness before 50 years . So given the absence of any historical value, a picture of these clothes pins may be art. Yes. That’s it. This picture represents art for art’s sake.


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