Friday, August 14, 2009

Ovation or Reading the Signs

There sat Crumby eagerly anticipating a delicious supper. Yum. Crumby was fixing to get a fish and shellfish medley over noodles. Crumby gulped at his watery Medallion Light reflecting on just how wimpy beer could be and still be beer. The Medallion Light just made it into the near-beer category. But hey. The waves crashed nearby and for a wonder, Crumby could actually espy a star through the pollution, possibly Spica.

Suddenly a big Rattus scampered across the dining area floor, heading from the direction of the kitchen to the beach. There that ratty boy went. Naturally, since there was no sign, no prompting, Achtung Dumbkopfs, Wildlife Viewing Area, nobody but a Druid would notice a big rat in the restaurant. Nobody did.

Uh-oh, thought Crumby. This restaurant features rats. Rats are generally a bad omen for a restaurant. After awhile, the same rat or one of its kin, scampered from the beach back toward the kitchen. Hmm, thought Crumby. This reminds me of the cook at the Stallion restaurant who slew rats with his trusty skillet. Uh-oh.

But alas, once the pretty and efficient waitress finally delivered Crumby his seafood medley over noodles, Crumby forgot all about the warning signs. Yes. Crumby ate his supper all up. Crumby slurped down every last noodle. Waste not want not.

Then about 2AM, back in his little bed at the hotel, Crumby suddenly remembered the rat(s). Mercy! That’s right. For the next several hours Crumby proceeded to waste the delicious seafood medley plus all those nice noodles. And the rats cried out, Crumby, we tried to warn you. But ye desisted not. No Crumby, you ignored all the dire warnings and signs that we rattys attempted to communicate. So Crumby, you get what you deserve.


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