Halloween is Upcoming
Yes. One of Americanoland’s official, overtly pagan holidays is just around the bend or this evening, whichever comes first. Last Halloween, many may recall that Karl the Tracker Druid , Karl’s trusty saddle mare, Prissy, and Karl’s pet mule, Ajax, dressed up as Ronald Reagan plus the 20 mule team hauling Boraxo hand soap. Pretty good because only Ajax is an actual mule.
Imagine everyone’s surprise when the cleverly disguised Karl knocked us up, then announced, Hello, who’s for hand soap. The situation at the Cow Barn front door was just too droll last Halloween. Because only Red uses Boraxo and Red never answers to the dragonfly door knocker.
The fact is, my bosom companion Ray, answered the door. Yet when he finally actually opened the door, the Joke Factory bunch had already off loaded a 13 year supply of hand soap onto the front porch. Ray couldn’t even look out. Ray couldn’t even espy across the yard due to all the boxes of hand soap dispensers that were already off loaded. What a great trick that was!
So ever since last Halloween, Red has mandated the use of Boraxo in the Boy’s Restroom. He tried to simultaneously mandate Boraxo in the Lady’s Facility also. But the ladies don’t like Boraxo. I like it OK. Still, I may not like it well enough for perpetual use.
Well, everyone decided eventually that we needed to use the boxes up that were in front of the door first. Now, a year later, we have used about all but the bottom most box of all the boxes that were stacked directly in front of the door. So all a person has to do now to get out the front door is step or climb over the one box. Before we used up all that particular soap, we couldn’t get out the front door at all.
But the joke is on the Joke Farm. Cause this Halloween, our trick is, we are fixing to deliver a life time’s supply of Babo to those parts. Ray is out looking for a van at this very nonce that is big enough to accommodate a life time supply of Babo.
Does a repetitive youthful exposure to Babo, shorten life? What about feet x-rays? What about snorting Boraxo or maybe Boraxo facials?
Yes. Wearied of his miserable blemishes the anonymous young man began to regularly wash his face with Boraxo. Yet the blemishes only got worse until eventually the young man’s face was a pulsing, pulpy sore similar to a bruised, oozing strawberry. Mercy!
But then a trial lawyer contacted the anonymous young man. Young man, your face is a mess. Yet you may be innocent enough to convince a jury of your peers that your face is not your fault. And that’s what happened. The young man got 10% of a huge settlement that would have entirely ruined Boraxo except for the tireless efforts made by Ronald Reagan that eventually saved Boraxo.
Yet Babo was not so fortunate. Babo is gone, but not forgotten. Fortunately, Babo, if sealed up, lasts for many moons. That’s why we still have ours. It never goes bad unless the tab gets pulled. Even then, it lasts a good while.
But what’s really on my mind today, Halloween Eve, known to the ancient Ulstermen as Samuin, is, How does an average amateur photographer like me, Crumby, take good pictures in rest rooms. Like, What should be my choice of camera gear?
Consider, the artificial lighting is apt to suck so the camera needs to have great white balance. Consider, the various nooks and crannies may be stygian, so the camera needs to shoot at high ISO . Consider, the action may be fast and furious so the camera needs to shoot fast and furious.
The best camera for all that may be a Canon EOS 5D. But the facility may be too cramped for a 5D. What then? What if you can’t maneuver your 5D in the tiny cramped facility? Well then you may need a fairly tiny backup camera that will at least allow you to get a crumby shot that you may later pass off as art
OK. Since Crumby only has two cameras, the camera he always takes into rest rooms, whether they be public or private, is the Olympus 5060WZ. That Olympus model is a smallish camera. Smallish yet inured by its magnesium alloy body to the corrupting fumes one is likely to encounter in restrooms. Yes. No matter how super your camera is at taking pictures, if it can’t stand up to fumes, what good is it in a rest room?
Lots of moths like to head for the CB Boy’s Rest Room. Hold it. Maybe there is nearly always at least one species or moth in the CB Boy's Room. Maybe they are drawn to the fumes. Anyway the list of documented moths in the CB Boy’s Refreshment Area grows long. This is one of those moths.
Imagine everyone’s surprise when the cleverly disguised Karl knocked us up, then announced, Hello, who’s for hand soap. The situation at the Cow Barn front door was just too droll last Halloween. Because only Red uses Boraxo and Red never answers to the dragonfly door knocker.
The fact is, my bosom companion Ray, answered the door. Yet when he finally actually opened the door, the Joke Factory bunch had already off loaded a 13 year supply of hand soap onto the front porch. Ray couldn’t even look out. Ray couldn’t even espy across the yard due to all the boxes of hand soap dispensers that were already off loaded. What a great trick that was!
So ever since last Halloween, Red has mandated the use of Boraxo in the Boy’s Restroom. He tried to simultaneously mandate Boraxo in the Lady’s Facility also. But the ladies don’t like Boraxo. I like it OK. Still, I may not like it well enough for perpetual use.
Well, everyone decided eventually that we needed to use the boxes up that were in front of the door first. Now, a year later, we have used about all but the bottom most box of all the boxes that were stacked directly in front of the door. So all a person has to do now to get out the front door is step or climb over the one box. Before we used up all that particular soap, we couldn’t get out the front door at all.
But the joke is on the Joke Farm. Cause this Halloween, our trick is, we are fixing to deliver a life time’s supply of Babo to those parts. Ray is out looking for a van at this very nonce that is big enough to accommodate a life time supply of Babo.
Does a repetitive youthful exposure to Babo, shorten life? What about feet x-rays? What about snorting Boraxo or maybe Boraxo facials?
Yes. Wearied of his miserable blemishes the anonymous young man began to regularly wash his face with Boraxo. Yet the blemishes only got worse until eventually the young man’s face was a pulsing, pulpy sore similar to a bruised, oozing strawberry. Mercy!
But then a trial lawyer contacted the anonymous young man. Young man, your face is a mess. Yet you may be innocent enough to convince a jury of your peers that your face is not your fault. And that’s what happened. The young man got 10% of a huge settlement that would have entirely ruined Boraxo except for the tireless efforts made by Ronald Reagan that eventually saved Boraxo.
Yet Babo was not so fortunate. Babo is gone, but not forgotten. Fortunately, Babo, if sealed up, lasts for many moons. That’s why we still have ours. It never goes bad unless the tab gets pulled. Even then, it lasts a good while.
But what’s really on my mind today, Halloween Eve, known to the ancient Ulstermen as Samuin, is, How does an average amateur photographer like me, Crumby, take good pictures in rest rooms. Like, What should be my choice of camera gear?
Consider, the artificial lighting is apt to suck so the camera needs to have great white balance. Consider, the various nooks and crannies may be stygian, so the camera needs to shoot at high ISO . Consider, the action may be fast and furious so the camera needs to shoot fast and furious.
The best camera for all that may be a Canon EOS 5D. But the facility may be too cramped for a 5D. What then? What if you can’t maneuver your 5D in the tiny cramped facility? Well then you may need a fairly tiny backup camera that will at least allow you to get a crumby shot that you may later pass off as art
OK. Since Crumby only has two cameras, the camera he always takes into rest rooms, whether they be public or private, is the Olympus 5060WZ. That Olympus model is a smallish camera. Smallish yet inured by its magnesium alloy body to the corrupting fumes one is likely to encounter in restrooms. Yes. No matter how super your camera is at taking pictures, if it can’t stand up to fumes, what good is it in a rest room?

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