Potential Relic
As most everyone knows, a relic is something left to the faithful by like a dead saint or martyr. But before dead saints and martyrs cornered the relic market, plenty of items got left behind by euhemeristic pagan potential deities. So it depends on what you mean by relic.
At the CB, a pagan stronghold, any potential relic that turns up could be a heathen relic just as easily as it may be a Catholic/Protestant/ecumenical relic. So what are we to make of the relic here depicted. Many of a scientific bent might rapidly leap to the conclusion that the adjacent photograph merely depicts the outline of a banana, upon a paper towel, upon a three gallon pot.
Others might leap to the conclusion that a saint, martyr or potential god had sneaked up to the banana feeder on Halloween night. Yes. He sneaked up and laid his peter upon the banana feeder as though the banana feeder was like an altar. Then, once his peter was definitely outlined on the paper towel, he sneaked off into the depths of time and space, leaving only mere mortals to ponder his relic.

Others might leap to the conclusion that a saint, martyr or potential god had sneaked up to the banana feeder on Halloween night. Yes. He sneaked up and laid his peter upon the banana feeder as though the banana feeder was like an altar. Then, once his peter was definitely outlined on the paper towel, he sneaked off into the depths of time and space, leaving only mere mortals to ponder his relic.
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