Friday, January 08, 2010

Ray’s Latest Epiphany

Last night we were all in the Parlor of the Goddess watching the game of the decade so far, when I suddenly looked over. There I espied my bosom companion, Crumby, peacefully asleep in his Lazy Boy Recliner. Crumby was all stretched out, snoring up a storm.

So inspired was I by the sight of Crumby in his Lazy Boy habitat that I decided today would be a good time to thank all the corporate sponsors that make Red’s Good Versus Evil Cow Barn likely. So, without further ado, here are some of the brave Americano corporations that help to diffuse the cost and keep RGVECB on the web. Praise the Goddess! Praise the WG! Praise Mammy!

Academy Surplus
Babys R Us
Home Depot
Kentucky Tavern
Lazy Boy
Old Crow

But then, as I gazed at Crumby, peacefully asleep in his Lazy Boy, a troubling thought suddenly hit me. What was that troubling thought? What disturbed me so? What was my epiphany?

OK. I began to fret that maybe Black People, also known as Afro Americans, may be missing out on the Lazy Boy experience. Mercy! How can Lazy Boy turn this situation around?

OK. First, Lazy Boy needs to like become, Lazy Man. No. Hold it. Like Lazy Boy needs to become like Lazy Person. Then like maybe we need to work on the spell, Lazy. Uh-oh. How about if we substitute Hard Working for Lazy? So then we would have the entirely new corporate name, Hard Working Person. Fit that up with recliner and we have, Hard Working Person Recliner. Huh-huh.


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