Winter Weed Detente
Nightly freezes! Hark! Do the fairly low temperatures discourage the hoards of winter weeds introduced into these parts from Eurasia. Nay! The colder and wetter the greener the better.
Red called us to a meeting yesterday. The topic was, Winter Weed Management. It turns out, everyone agreed that the introduced winter weeds are beyond our capacity to do much about. Blame the fall and winter rains.
At any rate, Crumby was relieved to hear that we no longer have to try and control the henbit and the veronicas. Plus, the only control on the Taraxacum will be cropping for salad. That’s right. If there get to be too many, we shall eat a bunch of them. . To celebrate dandelion detente Crumby took a picture of a dandelion flower showing the short and curlys. Also alfalfa. We have given up on alfalfa.
The worst of the introduced winter weeds are still proscribed. These are Galium aparine, the Medicagos, Sonchus asper, Torilis arvensis and Torilis nodosus. What successful weeds they are!
Boy howdy! In a better world the cursed deer would eat the introduced winter weeds. Instead, in this world, the deer eat the spider worts.
Red called us to a meeting yesterday. The topic was, Winter Weed Management. It turns out, everyone agreed that the introduced winter weeds are beyond our capacity to do much about. Blame the fall and winter rains.

The worst of the introduced winter weeds are still proscribed. These are Galium aparine, the Medicagos, Sonchus asper, Torilis arvensis and Torilis nodosus. What successful weeds they are!

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