Sunday, December 19, 2010

Entomology, not for Everybody, or Coffee Either?

(Another Druid Dichotomy)

The truth is, an average person growing up has to learn to like coffee. The same is true of snuff. An average person must gradually adapt to these nasty drugs before becoming addicted.

Take Crumby for example. Baby Crumby did not like coffee. He did not like snuff. But as soon as he got addicted, he could scarcely do without either. The same is true of the Noctuinae, perhaps the nastiest of all the moth subfamilies.

For decades, Crumby resisted the lure of the bugs mainly because of the Noctuinae. That’s right. Initially, when Crumby contemplated bugs as a hobby or maybe even a career, images of Nocutinae flew at Crumby’s mind’s eye. Or maybe they crawled toward Crumby’s mind’s eye at a snail's pace. Yes. They crawled or were maybe curled around some grassy blade in a grassy glade. Ugh!

Yes all right. Crumby knew they were out there, lurking in the stygian darkness; the chewing teenagers, the banana sucking adults. Cutworms! Darts! Armyworms! Egad! Millions of them! But alas! An average Joe like Crumby can probably habituate to anything, even a cutworm or two.

Yes indeed. Back in the days of youth, these particular bugs we are presently discussing, put Crumby off. Maybe it was the eyes, glowing like infernal coals. Maybe it was how they fold one wing over another. Maybe it was the shape or the various sickly colors that left Crumby figuring. Why would I want to be seriously involved with these?

But now, Crumby likes them. He even makes excuses for them. Hector Protector! He even features one on the venue. Peridroma sauci


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