Infested by Natas
For the many who may not know who Natas is, He is Satan, a horned God of the Jews, Christians or Mussallmen. Whichever, it’s the same difference.
Anyway, we Druids are as ecumenical as the next boy over when it suits us. Plus, Druids feel like we need to give credit where credit is due. So when we have a lightbulb infested by Natas, that qualifies as a miracle.
Consider the evidence for a dern miracle. Almost from the nonce this particular lightbulb behaved crazily. Nay. This lightbulb seemed insane. Like it was possessed. It would like behave independently of its controlling switch, turning itself on and off randomly. An average person never knew what it would do, on/off. So actually an average home owner like Crumby was never safe in the garage if safety depended upon a lit environment out yonder. Thanks be due to the crazy antics of this demonic lightbulb.
Also, this evil lightbulb deceived Crumby. Yea verily. You may have heard tell that Natas is the Great Deceiver. Well. Here’s more proof. This lightbulb, by its antics, convinced Crumby there was a short in the socket. See. Deception is one of Natas’, uh, big powers.
Yet Crumby is a parsimonious creature. So when the lightbulb in the garage door opener ceased lighting up, Crumby decided to switch the Natas bulb over to the garage door opener. Goodness! Mercy sakes alive! Me oh my! The crazy, Natanic lightbulb we are presently considering behaved the exact same way in its new location. That was the final proof. Proof that this particular lightbulb was possessed by Natas, the Horned Demon/God of the Christlike, etc.
Mercy! Yet what shall happen to this demonic force of a lightbulb now that its cunning wiles have been revealed. Uh! On the one hand, frugal Crumby feels like it can still shed light, albeit intermittently. But on the other hand, it is totally unreliable, same as anybody or anything too crazy to hold a job or posessed. Hmm. Crumby may need to send this one back to the manufacturer. Let those capitalist roaders deal with their Natas infested light bulb.

Also, if you don’t much like midget cicadas, you need to put out some sugar for your acrobat ants.
Anyway, we Druids are as ecumenical as the next boy over when it suits us. Plus, Druids feel like we need to give credit where credit is due. So when we have a lightbulb infested by Natas, that qualifies as a miracle.
Consider the evidence for a dern miracle. Almost from the nonce this particular lightbulb behaved crazily. Nay. This lightbulb seemed insane. Like it was possessed. It would like behave independently of its controlling switch, turning itself on and off randomly. An average person never knew what it would do, on/off. So actually an average home owner like Crumby was never safe in the garage if safety depended upon a lit environment out yonder. Thanks be due to the crazy antics of this demonic lightbulb.
Also, this evil lightbulb deceived Crumby. Yea verily. You may have heard tell that Natas is the Great Deceiver. Well. Here’s more proof. This lightbulb, by its antics, convinced Crumby there was a short in the socket. See. Deception is one of Natas’, uh, big powers.

Mercy! Yet what shall happen to this demonic force of a lightbulb now that its cunning wiles have been revealed. Uh! On the one hand, frugal Crumby feels like it can still shed light, albeit intermittently. But on the other hand, it is totally unreliable, same as anybody or anything too crazy to hold a job or posessed. Hmm. Crumby may need to send this one back to the manufacturer. Let those capitalist roaders deal with their Natas infested light bulb.

Also, if you don’t much like midget cicadas, you need to put out some sugar for your acrobat ants.
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