Insects are Few and Far Between
These parts are parched. Which means much to many, but especially that insect photo ops have dried up along with the dern creeks or dang stock tanks. With paltry to no insects abounding, Crumby has had plenty of time with little to do for entertainment. Therefore, yesterday took a happy turn as Crumby espied this little demon fixing to get sucked up by the vacuum cleaner or Hoover.
Hark! Get away from that vacuum cleaner if you know what’s good, fer ye. Crumby instructed the tiny vermin. Then once the little devil or tiny vermin was safe away from the vacuum cleaner, Crumby coaxed it into his St. Louis Cardinals shot glass. There now. You shall get your picture took while you are in this shot glass.
The animal or organism thus depicted confused Crumby for a time. Yes. Crumby could only identify this thing to phyla, that being Arthropoda. Yet as Crumby increased the magnification, there those eyes or peepers were, jumping spider eyes. You may have heard the song, She’s got jumping spider eyes?
Turns out this is a diminutive, 5-6mm long, example of Metacyrba floridana. But why does it seem to mimic a scorpion type animal? Gracious sakes!
Hark! Get away from that vacuum cleaner if you know what’s good, fer ye. Crumby instructed the tiny vermin. Then once the little devil or tiny vermin was safe away from the vacuum cleaner, Crumby coaxed it into his St. Louis Cardinals shot glass. There now. You shall get your picture took while you are in this shot glass.

The animal or organism thus depicted confused Crumby for a time. Yes. Crumby could only identify this thing to phyla, that being Arthropoda. Yet as Crumby increased the magnification, there those eyes or peepers were, jumping spider eyes. You may have heard the song, She’s got jumping spider eyes?
Turns out this is a diminutive, 5-6mm long, example of Metacyrba floridana. But why does it seem to mimic a scorpion type animal? Gracious sakes!
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