Thursday, November 10, 2011

Does the Americano Homeland Deserve Big Rick?

The Druids believe so. After all, a people that embrace monopoly capitalism and imperialism have pretty much given up on self esteem or personal honor. Plus there's the "small government" Department of Homeland Security to consider. Maybe that's the third department Big Rick was fixing to remember to ax. Huh-huh. Pitiful.

Anyway, the Druids were surprised that Rick could actually remember the names of two federal departments. Two is a lot. Especially considering that in the Republico Booblico, where Ricka esta numera una, federal departments are irrelevant. Hector protector! Tejas features state agencies like the TCEQ that were set up for the sole purpose of evading or eviscerating federal law. Oh my gosh!

So chitlins of the Homeland, slack off on big Rick. You won't be sorry. Like it's time that barbarism got a leg up. And then, once the barbarism leg is up, the Homeland excretory organ or Department can go ahead and piss on the socialism leg. Like it's socialism or barbarism, dudes or dudettes.

Another Druid Dichotomy brought to everyone courtesy of RGVECB.


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