Saturday, August 20, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

Cowabunga! Terror alert from the Druidry at Digup! Evil cows are on a rampage. One thing you don't want if you have a plant nursery is cows in it. If it can be arranged, Rayetta would like a specimen of one of the cows. An eye witness account of this situation follows:

They are evil white cows covered with millions of biting flys sent as a novel way to torment my work shirking ass. I shot at them (double ought buck at 50 feet)and they had many red spots on their asses but that did not encourge them strongly to leave. Running into them with a 2 ton vehicle that was blaring it's horn did motivate them to leave the locale and head to the creek but as of yesterday they were still lurking in the tall weeds along the creek waiting for me to let my guard down.
The dumb cow owners around here are mostly rich twits with no sense and keep them cows to play pretend cowboy like our dunderhead and thief does up yonder waco way. The three places that have cows all have big rich white guy idiot gates so you can't drive up and say your dumb cows are loose and I plan to have a cow massacre unles you come and get them quick.

new word "caucasragacide" angry hicks with high powered semi-automatic weapons eliminating the object of their anger.


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