Bird Activity Awareness
Red is lettin' me put this up for the time bein' here pending a decision on the fate of this topic and Ray's connection with this topic. This subtopic is fairly ecumenical and Red said it would be OK.
The best equipment for Bird Activity Awareness (baa) is your own Goddess given equipment plus glasses if you need those and a hearing aid if you need one of those and maybe a conveyance of some sort if you are incapable of going along under your own head of steam. These basic organs and structures of sensibility and mobility are all you really need, plus whatever. But if you want to see (or hear) what the birds are up to and figure out what kinds they are at great distances, because all the birds are behind a fence that has a NO TRAIPSIN sign on it with NO TRAIPSIN translated into multiple languages including Arabic you need special equipment. If you have this desire, you may become a birder, and thereby you will integrate yourself into the terminal consumerism of optical and auditory detection devices plus the lifestyle changes required to fluff up yer lifelist. Blodyn Bless You, fer yer, baa.
The presumptive birder may, when initially embarking on birding as a hobby, and upon encountering other birders, come to their senses and cry out, Baa humbug. That's OK and perfectly understandable for lotsa reasons. But what if the desire for baa is insatiable despite the lotsa reasons. What happens then? Easy that, the baa interested person proceeds, in private consternation, perhaps guiltily and with much self-justification, in pursuit of personal goals and ambitions regarding baa.
Baa is a good thing. It helps get all humans and naughty proto humans who have waxed too human in touch with the little wonders. But like everything else, it may be corrupted by lyin' and gluttony. No mere mortal, perambulating this plane of this globe knows this truth better than me, the Crumby Ovate. I have thought much, on it.
Excuse me CO. I have three questions. How do you know that you know this truth as well as or better than anyone else? Isn't that just yer opinion? Have you actually discussed this subtopic with "everyone" else?
Easy those: 1) old Math ap Mathonwy knew no more than me 2) yes
3) no
Thank you for those questions and anyone still paying attention to this subtopic should consider those questions and answers as much as they want to, maybe. And thanks for the reality check, too.
But to proceed with my subtopic, baa. To the immediate east you will perhaps notice a photograph. (By the way, it is the nature of these photographs that if they are clicked upon, they will enlarge themselves). Included in the photograph are a few of the devices and equipment the CO would evaluate for pedestrian transport applicability for any baa outside the premises of RGVECB. Depicted are a water walking hand cart, optical devices, location devices, self-defense devices (no guns in the photo), essential consumption related items and botanical equipment since the CO always finds it necessary to combine the botanical with the ornithological. This is why the CO has mused much on the potential for acquiring a couple of donkeys and a small wagon, and why the normally placid Ray Pistrum is holding out for an ox cart.
As you can see from this, if you have any sense, baa can become expensive and the peril is, that the accoutrements become more important than the baa. I, the CO don't really need this stuff for baa anymore except the snuff and the canteens. And though I have in the past packed all this much around, packmule like, I would hesitate before doing so again, due to my old and feeble condition. So the point is that a day will come when "You can't take it with you." that is, all yer stuff.
Looking back over just shy of four baa decades and dozens of really cool baa instances, all but a handful were just me and nature, equipmentless except for my glasses. But, without all the equipment, justifying its existence, maybe I wouldn't have been doing the baa at all.
How did baa start, fer me? Easy that, wild canaries. That's what Doc called 'em. Who's Doc? Easy that, a bartender on the east side and groundskeeper on the west side. Wilson's warblers actually, those wild canaries are called by the semi-learned. I saw some of these wild canaries one day and didn't know what the heck they were. So I went down to the University Co-Op that was and looked in the nature books section and Holy Cow, there was lots of shit I didn't know. So I purchased a Golden Field Guide, still my favorite field guides, and later some cheap porro Bushnell bins at KMart and I was all set and away I went. Those dern wild canaries were sent by the WG to give me somethin' to do, maybe, and lotsa fun watchin' 'em too.
Lomo and some of the rest of us have been experimentin' with opitcal equipment recently. Below is some preliminary comment for those that might be interested. This is purty rough and needs work.
Oh, by the way. you may also be interested in a previous subtopic titled "Get Screwed". We have done some research on the particular type of screw mentioned in that subtopic. The research included a phone call to one of the local camera shops to see if they had surplus access to that particular type screw. We were told that "Yes we know that particular type of screw, but we don't have any. Most people who want an extra one of those screws buy another quick release plate to get the extra screw of that particular type."
All righty then.
The best equipment for Bird Activity Awareness (baa) is your own Goddess given equipment plus glasses if you need those and a hearing aid if you need one of those and maybe a conveyance of some sort if you are incapable of going along under your own head of steam. These basic organs and structures of sensibility and mobility are all you really need, plus whatever. But if you want to see (or hear) what the birds are up to and figure out what kinds they are at great distances, because all the birds are behind a fence that has a NO TRAIPSIN sign on it with NO TRAIPSIN translated into multiple languages including Arabic you need special equipment. If you have this desire, you may become a birder, and thereby you will integrate yourself into the terminal consumerism of optical and auditory detection devices plus the lifestyle changes required to fluff up yer lifelist. Blodyn Bless You, fer yer, baa.
The presumptive birder may, when initially embarking on birding as a hobby, and upon encountering other birders, come to their senses and cry out, Baa humbug. That's OK and perfectly understandable for lotsa reasons. But what if the desire for baa is insatiable despite the lotsa reasons. What happens then? Easy that, the baa interested person proceeds, in private consternation, perhaps guiltily and with much self-justification, in pursuit of personal goals and ambitions regarding baa.
Baa is a good thing. It helps get all humans and naughty proto humans who have waxed too human in touch with the little wonders. But like everything else, it may be corrupted by lyin' and gluttony. No mere mortal, perambulating this plane of this globe knows this truth better than me, the Crumby Ovate. I have thought much, on it.
Excuse me CO. I have three questions. How do you know that you know this truth as well as or better than anyone else? Isn't that just yer opinion? Have you actually discussed this subtopic with "everyone" else?
Easy those: 1) old Math ap Mathonwy knew no more than me 2) yes
3) no
Thank you for those questions and anyone still paying attention to this subtopic should consider those questions and answers as much as they want to, maybe. And thanks for the reality check, too.
As you can see from this, if you have any sense, baa can become expensive and the peril is, that the accoutrements become more important than the baa. I, the CO don't really need this stuff for baa anymore except the snuff and the canteens. And though I have in the past packed all this much around, packmule like, I would hesitate before doing so again, due to my old and feeble condition. So the point is that a day will come when "You can't take it with you." that is, all yer stuff.
Looking back over just shy of four baa decades and dozens of really cool baa instances, all but a handful were just me and nature, equipmentless except for my glasses. But, without all the equipment, justifying its existence, maybe I wouldn't have been doing the baa at all.
How did baa start, fer me? Easy that, wild canaries. That's what Doc called 'em. Who's Doc? Easy that, a bartender on the east side and groundskeeper on the west side. Wilson's warblers actually, those wild canaries are called by the semi-learned. I saw some of these wild canaries one day and didn't know what the heck they were. So I went down to the University Co-Op that was and looked in the nature books section and Holy Cow, there was lots of shit I didn't know. So I purchased a Golden Field Guide, still my favorite field guides, and later some cheap porro Bushnell bins at KMart and I was all set and away I went. Those dern wild canaries were sent by the WG to give me somethin' to do, maybe, and lotsa fun watchin' 'em too.
Lomo and some of the rest of us have been experimentin' with opitcal equipment recently. Below is some preliminary comment for those that might be interested. This is purty rough and needs work.
Oh, by the way. you may also be interested in a previous subtopic titled "Get Screwed". We have done some research on the particular type of screw mentioned in that subtopic. The research included a phone call to one of the local camera shops to see if they had surplus access to that particular type screw. We were told that "Yes we know that particular type of screw, but we don't have any. Most people who want an extra one of those screws buy another quick release plate to get the extra screw of that particular type."
All righty then.
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