Sunday, December 04, 2005


The Adventures of Etain are confusing to the Druidry in these parts. But we shall undertake to spell of them anon, heedless of our confusion. Perhaps the truth will spell out.
This scarlet fly was the size of the head of the handsomest man in the land, and the sound of its voice and the beating of its wings were sweeter than pipes and harps and horns. Its eyes shone like precious stones in the dark and its color and fragrance could sate hunger and quench thirst in any man; moreover, a sprinkling of drops it shed from its wings could cure every sickness and affliction and disease.

Yikes! The first time Red told this story I was totally creeped out. Cause a Druidess of the Tuatha, Fuamnach, caused this scarlet fly to be. And that particular Druidess was especially naughty. What bothers me especially about this is the coincidence of insects and naughty Druidesses then and now, the other naughty one being Hope with her pet bosom asps.

Wide Awake Ray


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