Tuesday, January 17, 2006

RGVECB Holds Out Hope for Salvation, Maybe

How do we, the disenfrachised, get some state power back? The Cow Barn may spell on that subtopic, anon. But maybe, then again, we won't. There is a dialectic at work here. On the one hand, we believe people, collectively, get what they deserve and nothing can stop that, getting what they deserve, from coming to pass. On the other hand, we share in the collective fate and that may displease us so much that we are willing to spell against the inevitable.

Yikes! Our Congressman is Lamar Smith of San Antonio. Good grief! We sure would get plenty of action if we wrote Lamar a letter, betcha, And let's see who else is representing us. John Cornyn and that other senator what's her name in the senate. John, an outstanding senator, for sure, and maybe what's her name, would vote outright for a Bushnoid monarchy or dictatorship if Karl Rove goosed them once or twice in their respective bohines. Sooooo, on issues of national import, we share in the collective fate with no political way out. That is why we believe we should focus on keeping the liars and gluttons from stealing our money and personal property. Surely that issue resonates with everyone that has any money or personal property. Also, we would sure like to keep them from eradicating nature, which hardly resonates with anyone in these parts, despite the obvious portends of disaster.

Hmmm. Do we really want to get into this, again?

Not today.

The Arkdruid


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