Ray's Thought for the Day
Sensory overload debilitation (SOD) is a terrible affiction. Symptoms include fainting and flat-chestedness. I, Ray have recently been diagnosed as one of those so challenged, a sensory overload debilitation afflicted (SODA). But there is always Hope. And she has determined to provide me with spells that will protect me from this debilitatin' medical curiosity.
Ray! How ere ye feelin' fer the nonce?
Feeble Crumby and shaky.
That's too bad Ray. But listen up. I got to go outside today and will be gone all day er most of it examinin' little wonders a fer piece off. And guess what, wouldn't ye know it, Badgemagus has requested me to be a guest lecturer at the Druid Tabby Lab this Saturday mornin' and I have a great many preparations to make fer that lecture, but I caint make the proper preparations fer the lecture on account of I will be out investigatin' the little wonders, instead. So I was thinkin' ye might be up to a trip to the Mall Wart, fer me. I need ye get to some supplies fer the lecture and......
Ray! Ray! Dang it. He's gone agin!
Lomo! Hey buddy! Would ye do me a great favor?
Dang! All righty then, fer ye.
All righty then. I'll just leave a memo here fer Red since he's out with Rayetta fussin' with them cows.
To: Mr. Red Ears
From: Mr. Crumby Ovate
Dear Red:
Due to my very busy schedule and conflicts of interest arisin' from same, I was wonderin' if ye could go to the Mall Wart and pick up some supplies fer me that I just got to have fer a lecture tomorrow mornin' at the Druid Tabby Lab. As ye no doubt recall, many among the Druidry in These Parts questioned my comin' to the Parlor on account of my checkered past. But now Badgemagus, that is Dr. Swineherd, has actually solicited my help in advisin' the younger generation on the very important subtopic, Vent Operation.
Please, please go get these items, fer me.
three eight packs of undears, the kind me and Ray wear
two 12 packs of weenies, the cheapest ye can get
24 fine point markers, some brand that would work fer puttin' smiley faces on the weenies
Ferever in yer debt,
There now. That ought to do er. Now I got to get to me ablutions and then pack on up.
Many are comforted to know that the president, here cleverly disguised for security work, is listening in.
The Arkdruid
Ray! How ere ye feelin' fer the nonce?
Feeble Crumby and shaky.
That's too bad Ray. But listen up. I got to go outside today and will be gone all day er most of it examinin' little wonders a fer piece off. And guess what, wouldn't ye know it, Badgemagus has requested me to be a guest lecturer at the Druid Tabby Lab this Saturday mornin' and I have a great many preparations to make fer that lecture, but I caint make the proper preparations fer the lecture on account of I will be out investigatin' the little wonders, instead. So I was thinkin' ye might be up to a trip to the Mall Wart, fer me. I need ye get to some supplies fer the lecture and......
Ray! Ray! Dang it. He's gone agin!
Lomo! Hey buddy! Would ye do me a great favor?
Dang! All righty then, fer ye.
All righty then. I'll just leave a memo here fer Red since he's out with Rayetta fussin' with them cows.
To: Mr. Red Ears
From: Mr. Crumby Ovate
Dear Red:
Due to my very busy schedule and conflicts of interest arisin' from same, I was wonderin' if ye could go to the Mall Wart and pick up some supplies fer me that I just got to have fer a lecture tomorrow mornin' at the Druid Tabby Lab. As ye no doubt recall, many among the Druidry in These Parts questioned my comin' to the Parlor on account of my checkered past. But now Badgemagus, that is Dr. Swineherd, has actually solicited my help in advisin' the younger generation on the very important subtopic, Vent Operation.
Please, please go get these items, fer me.
three eight packs of undears, the kind me and Ray wear
two 12 packs of weenies, the cheapest ye can get
24 fine point markers, some brand that would work fer puttin' smiley faces on the weenies
Ferever in yer debt,
There now. That ought to do er. Now I got to get to me ablutions and then pack on up.
The Arkdruid
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