Friday, February 24, 2006

The LDR - on Assignment - Dubai Creek - UAE

Dubai, Dubai

Dubai, Dubai

He’s so fine. That little George Will of mine

Dubai, dubai, doobie do wah

Jeez Louise. The oppressive heat inside this cabooska outfit is killin’ me and drivin’ me crazy.

Lomo! Climb down off this tower. Then uproot one of those mangroves and climb back up here with it. Ye can fan me with it for I am melting. No not the little one. Pull up that big one. Hurry up!

Oh my Goddess. That’s slightly better. Faster Lomo, faster. Ah!

Crap! Here they come. Lomo! Yikes! Throw that tree into the swamp. Then fix the camera and pan over to those heathen ragheads piling out of that Mercedes. No, no, no, not the white Mercedes SUV, the dark blue Mercedes SUV. No not that one, the other dark blue one. Okie Dokie, that’s enough of the ragheads. Now put the camera on me. That’s better.

Here we are at quasi-lovely Dubai Creek , a simply spectacular little watershed for sewage effluent that eventually meanders through a swamp of introduced mangrove bushes, then proceeds sluggishly onward towards the Persian Gulf which it reaches when Mr. Mohotmoo overwaters the golf course or when the tourists are lalaing off the beer they’ve on loaded.

Today we are meeting with some Assistant Sheik or other if he will get his fat lala up here on top of this bird lovers watch tower a tad more expeditiously. Oh, Praise the Goddess, here he is now. It’s Mr. Mohamed, isn’t it? Yes! I wonder how I could have guessed that name! It is sooo uncommon in these parts. Mr. Mohamed, could you take a moment to explain what we are doing, I mean gazing upon, from atop this splendid bird lovers watch tower.

First, Ms. Rayetta I would like to thank you and the Druid News Service for visiting beautiful Dubai, and especially I would like to compliment you, Ms. Rayetta, on your nice garments. It is a great pleasure to see a lady from America so considerate of our customs.

Yepper. This outfit is just swell. But what are we looking at from up here?

Ah, Mohamed be Praised, we can see from here two additional bird lovers watch towers, mangroves, near at hand, much of the adjacent road work and other new construction that will bring Dubai into modernity.

Hmmm. And what are all those pink birds over yonder?

Ah yes. Those are our Iranian flamingoes, the largest population of Iranian flamingoes outside of Iran, right here in Dubai.

Hmmmm. All righty then. You have been keenly informative Mr. Mohamed but the interview is terminated and now historical. For I, the LDR am proceeding back to my air conditioned motel room where I will strip myself naked and lie on the floor under the air conditioner vent. Lomo, cut.

Oh, but Ms. Rayetta. Do you not wish to see the very numerous Kentish plovers?

No, Mr. Mohamed. I don’t.


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