Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Red holds forth

All righty then. First, I got to get some of this hair off my chest. Bill, come over here and remove some of this here hair. Not that one, them others. That's good. All them are good to go. Now go put all those hairs in the east compost pile.

So whut. A little rain won't hurt ye.

Jeez Louise. With 80 million furriners in the country, ye still caint get good hep.

But I got to admit, it's rainin' with alacrity. It's hailin' too.

Lulu! Get down from there. Dang terriers is worse about climbin' than Lomo.

Let's see here. Why lookee here. This uns frum Rayetta.

Dear Red,

I, the Lovely Druidess Rayetta, am performing the labors of a mule team and as a consequence of my efforts, Ray has been located. I even had a nice chat with Ray and he is very sorry, but not sufficiently sorry for what he needs to be sorry for, yet.

This quest business should be concluded satisfactorily anon. Or perhaps within a week depending on Crumby. There is a buzzard metamorphosis issue or some such nonsense to get over, but that's small potatoes.

How are Bill the Practical Nurse and Vladamir working out?

Hark! Here come's Lomo with lunch. Bye now.

Your yellow streak remover,

The Lovely Druidess Rayetta

P.S. Be sure to monitor the cows in the south pasture, east pen.

Whut the heck! That dern Rayetta!

An here's somethin' from Ray-mone.

Monsieur Rouge,



Huh? Er. Huh, huh. I get it.


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