Red's overworked
Mercy! I'm a 20 mule team haulin' Boraxo.
Cynanchum unifarium as a subject for time lapse photography. Now you may see there's two ants.
Mimosa strigillosa. Nope. No stickers. And look how pretty I am. I used to stay at a sod farm.
Vicia ludoviciana. I am a native vetch. I am the most abundant legume in these parts. However, we have a very troublesome European vetch in these parts that is unmanageable. More on that one anon.
Triodanis perfoliata. I am pretty, all righty then, but you ought to check out my cool mature ovary, not here depicted. Raymone, take a picture of my mature ovary, anon.
It's nice to know that even though Red is overworked, and hauling Borax, that he can take some awesome pictures.
Thanks. It's take pictures of the wildflowers at the CB month.
I got that packet Saturday. That example is very funny. It's pretty hard to make up that many plant names. From glancing over the information, it looks to me like these are a fairly serious, labor intensive undertaking. But then there's the joke report to consider.
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