Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Crumby's Telescopery Notes

Lyra multiples perused were Epsilon Lyra, Zeta Lyra, Struve 525 and Beta Lyra. Then Theta Serpens Cauda as it cleared the Celtis laevigata. Attempted was Struve 2404 over by, nearby, Zeta Aquila, but there was too much star confusion, fer me. That one needs some Newtonian attention, which it will get this evening, Goddess Allowing.

I have looked at Lyra a lot, but this time I followed the methodology and wound up with lotsa notes and little drawings of the doubles. There were high clouds and jet trails in the way at first, but off they went after awhile, getting out of the way. But then some different clouds got in the way again during the Struve 2404 hunt, just around midnight.

Epsilon 1 and 2 Lyra are interesting because one of 'em has its pair vertical and the other one has its pair horizontal (that's how they appear anyway, to me). Viewing conditions were only fair, but I got clean splits on both with a 16mm UO Konig and 3x TV barlow. That's 1335/16 x 3. Overkill perhaps. 250x plus a little bit. With the TV barlow and the TV diagonal included in this telescopery, the focal length of the telescopery is more than 1335mm, but I don't know how much more. Er!


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