Monday, June 26, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day

Allowissadula - Allowissadula - Allowissadula - Allowissadula - Allowissadula - Allowissadula -Allowissadula - Allowissadula - Allowissadula - Allowissadula - Allowissadula - Allowissadula - Allowissadula - Allowissadula - Allowissadula - Allowissadula - Allowissadula

Stop that right now, Ray!

Yes my dears. I shall stop right now. The Allowissadula song is stopped.

This walking stick was hanging out upside down on the front porch roof. I have been wracking my brain attempting to spell a metaphor between this walking stick and my sun god training, to no avail. So perhaps this walking stick has something to say, fer itself. Walking stick, what have you got to say, fer yerself?

Me and my shadow, all alone and feeling blue, Ray.

Er, where's that other walking stick you hang with. I always surmised you two were fornicating happily?

Boo, hoo. I don't know Ray?

That's too bad. All righty then. I shall venture forth and find you a walking stick companion to fornicate with. Do you have a sexual preference and can you explain to me how to tell which is which?

Not now Ray. Let's give my perfumes a little more time to work their special magic.

All righty then. But holler if nobody shows up.


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