Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes

It's I am a Hare for Hoppin' Mad month so off of the Ample Bosoms I hopped at 5:30 AM. Now is the time for all good rabbits to hop out early on for there is much to see of the celestial bodies and their spatial relationships. Hark! Triangulum is at the apex. Pegasus is headed west. The east morning sky, anticipating Ogma the Fickle Friend of the Druids, is a sight to behold with Perseus, Taurus, Orion and Capella competing with all the light pollution off that way. Perseus is above it.

Obviously, hopping out this morning indicates another change of rhythms. For a while, the rhythms indicate, early to bed, early to rise, star hopper. Let's see. For the rest of this week I shall hop out in the neighborhood of 4 AM. Then if I need to, I can adjust that hopping out time depending on ever changing circumstances.

Last night I star tested the 95mm Lomo with the 4mm Ortho. It's out of whack. All the rings are skewed to one side of the disc. I need to fix that. But I don't know how. Also, its image shift is getting worse. I need to fix that too. But........

Fortunately, that particular Lomo has plenty of screws, indicating that a man of my experience may take it apart.


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