Friday, August 11, 2006

Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes

Dirunal temperatures have been running above one hundred this week. So by 9 PM when I ventured forth in the general direction of the east pasture, the great heat, escaping from all the asphault off north in the general vicinity of the CB, was very much apparent. A hot wind was blowing too. One might even say the hot wind was gusting. By 10 PM, with the moon shining at the wilted hackberries along the east fencerow, I figure the general temperature was around 90 degrees.

For a long while, a helicopter circled around. The perimeter of the circle included the east pasture within its arc, with the balance of the arc circle going off east. That helicopter circled around long enough to piss me off before it finally departed. Here's how pissed off I got. I wished I had a Stinger missile handy.

After the helicopter finally wandered off, I espied Chi Cygni for awhile, barely naked eye plus spectacles visible last night, noting how bright it appeared relative to the surronding star field. Perhaps, I shall check up on Chi Cygni periodically for it allegedly varies its brightness, markedly, periodically. Then, though celestial body observation conditions were waxing intolerable, I did some low power ep tests on some clusters off Sagittarius way. Anon, the moon glow and the cloudy curtain terminated all that and off I went, at the behest of the Ample Bosoms.


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