Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ray’s Thought for the Day - An Analysis of Yesterday’s Druid Dichotomy

The rain, the Kinglet and the Kinglet’s Evil Ministers all stayed away from these parts. So yesterday’s dichotomy was semi-useful. The Evil Ministers were fairly busy elsewhere though, apparently, maybe. What were they busy doing? Easy that, the Evil Ministers were busy comparing our U.S. colony in Iraq to the occupation of Germany. The venues chosen to make that comparison available to the public were the usual semi-public venues.

Because just about everyone hates fascism, and almost no one knows what fascism is, fascism is a good label to pin on rowdy Muslims in the colony. So that’s what the Evil Ministers were up to, spelling the rowdy Muslims in the colony, as fascists.

Er, I must not forget that because we pay taxes, we support the colony in Iraq, perhaps directly, or maybe our tax contribution is laundered in Beijing first. Whatever.

In Germany, and Europe in general, west of the last hope of the white race, Crumby’s recent nostalgic reference to the former Soviet Union, there was a plan. What was that dern plan spelled? Er, oh yeah, the Marshall Plan. Now we have a new plan, the Chitlin, Rumpler and Sleeza Plan. Hark, all you Muslim fascists in the colony, we have a plan, fer ye. Stop all these fascist shenanigans or we shall almost certainly drop a very expensive bomb fairly close to you, or on you, maybe. Also, how about Abu Grab Ass? Would you like to spend some time in Abu Grab Ass with some of Rumpler’s underwear on your head?

What are the details of the Chitlin, Rumpler and Sleeza plan? How much will it cost? Who will get the money? How many Iraqis are as fat as Chitlin? These are all serious questions that an interested party, like maybe the Democratic Party, should do some research on, maybe.

Ha! According to Red, it’s great to be old and worn out in the service of the Goddess.


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