Sunday, August 27, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - Nature Communion

Yep, the day's are shortening up. Here it is nigh 7 AM, yet Ogma abides below the horizon. I like to get up early for lotsa reasons occasionally, especially when it's too hot the rest of the time. Why just this morning I attended on the tail end of Crumby's telescope tomfoolery session, Orion the Hunter and Lepus the Bunny. Then later there was Venus, Saturn and Mercury, plus plenty of bats and a nighthawk or two zipping around. Lots to see, all righty then. Praise the Goddess.

Also, yesterday evening, four broad-wings kettled over the CB. There were probably a great many more than four, out of sight, maybe.

Here's something scary though. "People who criticize child pageants probably haven't attended one." I bet that's right, the dern hypocrites. Attendance at child pageants should be mandatory for child pageant critics. Not only that, the critics should have to attend each and every one of the child pageants they criticize. There's no way they should get to make generic criticisms. All the criticisms should reference specific child pageants. But alas, there is so little justice on this plane of this little globe that such shall proabably not come to pass, that is, mandatory attendance at child pageants. Praise the Goddess. And my wishing shall not make it so. Praise the Goddess.

Boy howdy, can you imagine the reaction of the Media Liberal, if the Islamic Fascists, terrorized a child pageant. Good Goddess and three fifties of red headed orphans in a giant peach basket, we'd never hear the end of that event. And among the Media Liberal much changing of underwear should occur throughout the commercial breaks.


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