Sunday, August 13, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - Fidel

The Media Liberal, especially Reuters, is sure being sarcastic about Fidel getting sick. One would think lots of the Media Liberal hate Fidel and want him to die so capitalism and organized crime, maybe, can settle in happily again in Cuba. Of course, having such a thought is a tad wayward, fer me, but my sun god training commends that I occasionally look on the sunny side and contradict all those negative spells of the Media Liberal. Let's see, what's sunny about Fidel from a capitalist/organized crime perspective. Well, there's the Florida immigrant boom. Whopping numbers of Cubans got to come to the land of the free and make new happy lives for themselves. The U.S. got to keep Gitmo going all these years which has come in really happy handy lately. James Lileks (sp?) spells that the Gitmo prisoners eat better than the Cubans. I bet the Cubans cue up outside Gitmo, doing imitations of Arab terrorists, so they can get arrested and have three squares a day.

"Ola, you Yanquis come get me. Me burro totes la bomba. Praise Allah."

See, that's sunny. Manuel/Mustaffah shall get three squares a day and live happily ever after in Gitmo.

Ray's Afterthought

Hallelujah! In 1689 some of the ancestors got saved from James II when the seige of Londonderry was lifted. You see, once some of the Welsh working class learned to read they were converted to Methodism. Surplus numbers of the literate got shipped off to Ireland to help the ruling class despoil their Catholic Goidelic cousins of land and property. But then there was a big war and they got beseiged. The Protestant descendants of the seige survivors plus descendants of the seige orphans marched 15,000 strong in Londonderry yesterday amid much pomp and rioting. Christians, Muslims and Jews, they'll be at it to the end. Praise the Goddess.


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