Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes and Addendum

As Red Schoendienst (sp?) once spelled on the TV, "You win some. You lose some. Some get rained out." That's pretty much universally true when it comes to baseball. The same goes for telescope Tomfoolery except for the winning and losing parts. Er, also the rain out part isn't especially applicable.

Out I went into the stygian darkness a short while ago. It was hot outside, hot and close. Yet the clouds obscured all but one celestial body. So right on back inside came I, the Crumby Ovate.

This long stretch of Wicker Man weather reminds me of those days when I earned my keep as a metaphorical shoat skitter wrangler, that some also spell, environmental consultant. The weather these last many weeks, both hot and dry, is perfect shoat skitter wrangler weather. The shoat skitter wrangler has only to speculate on environmental elements rather than actually identify any of them. (The dearth of the identifiable may be attributed to the weather). Thus, best professional judgement holds sway and the shoat skitter wrangler, reporting, is obliged only to make the details of the report, up.

In the arcane lingo of telescope Tomfoolery, a little telescope is referred to as grab and go. We have one er two of those at the CB. With a grab and go scope, a little imagination also comes in handy. Perhaps I shall grab and go anon and see what may be exposed for this nonce in addition to the previously referenced nonce.


Yet again I assayed the stygian darkness. Hark! Many celestial bodies are apparent in their naked splendor, garbed only in pollution. Yikes! I must set up the grab and go expeditiously. Ha! There's Meissa and assoicates. Let's check something out. Yepper. Works great!

What works great Crumby? What are you hollering about? Jeez Louise, you've started the dogs barking again.


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