Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes - The Clouds Have Departed

Yes they have indeed, departed, leaving scanty moisture in their wake. We got maybe 2.5 tics. That dang bosom companion of mine needs to start summing the tics. Otherwise we shall have no annual enumeration.

What's all this about the Dowah and the Kinglet having a debate? It's not fair. Our Kinglet is too goofy to be in an international debate. Plus, nobody cares about the opionions of crazy people. Right?

Say Lleu Llaw, we need to move the Newt out to the east pasture and set it up by dark. Can you do that while I take care of some irrigation chores?

I am the Lion of the Steady Hand, Crumby, if I set my steady hand to the great red tube, the task is done.

All righty then. Thanks Lleu Llaw. Be sure to get it out next to the comfortable double decker lawn chair before dark. It needs to be collimated.

Ray, it's your turn to cook the pork chops, right?


Well,whose turn is it then?

My girlfriends are cooking the pork chops.

Yikes! All righty then. I am too busy to ovate on that for the nonce. Let's see, I got to irrigate and then work up the Tomfoolery scenario presumptive preparatory notes.

Ray, where's Rayetta?

She's watering the cows, Crumby.

Dang it. I need those hoses. Shoot! I reckon I'll need to go see Hose Anna for some extra hoses.


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