Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ray’s Thought for the Day - It Vision

Today, I have with me in my thoughts, my bosom companion, Crumby the Ovate. Crumby, don’t you think the twain of us bosom companions are too narrow minded?

Yepper Ray. We are both too narrow minded.

So how might we train ourselves to be more open minded, reckon?

Easy that Ray, we shall look at ourselves through the eyes of others.

Cool. I know. Let’s look at the twain of us, through It’s eye. Where’s It? There It is. Say, It old buddy, would you mind inserting the camera behind your eyeball and then taking a picture of myself, Druid Ray Pistrum, Sun God Trainee, and also of my bosom companion, Crumby the Druid Ovate. We are trying to liberalize our views by seeing through the eyes of others.

Cer-tain-ly earth-ling. Du-ty now for in-ter-ga-lac-tic har-mo-ny.

All righty then. We’ll just say Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese.


Dude. There we are foraging for three year old pecans. Whoa. So that’s how we look to It. Pretty scary. Look the camera caught part of It’s stygian occiput.


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