Friday, September 08, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - cont. From Yesterday's Thought for the Day

Yesterday I was thinking about Wilhelm Riech and The Mass Psychology of Fascism. However, my train of thought kept getting derailed by this or that. It's hard, for example, to focus on any train of thought, versus swigs at the milk of paradise.

What's especially interesting about goose stepping fascists though, is that any der fuerher will do. It doesn't matter who the fuerher is, or what he tells the goose steppers to do, they'll do it so long as der fuerher encourages the goose steppers and tells them they are good boys and girls, doing a good job.

All righty then, my good people, it would be really good if you go on outside this morning and chop up all the Tutsis.

Yay! Let's go chop up the Tutsis real good. Off they go.

Like I said before, in every culture and society there are natural born fascists that will do what they are told to do, no matter how inexplicable, just because their leader tells them to.

Anti-fascists, like me and Crumby, are put in a difficult position with regard to the goose stepping fascists. We don't like them, and we would probably
make them go away, permanently, if we had that kind of power. But on the other hand, they are fairly harmless when provided with non-psychopathic leadership. Remember! They do what they're told reflexively, believe what they're told, reflexively, shop, reflexively, etc. So if their leader promotes a human environment emphasizing peace and prosperity, or even moderation, the goose steppers are happy with peace, prosperity and moderation, too.

The real people problem, when it comes to fascism, apart from the psychopathic leadership, is the large number of cowards that also occur in every human population, culture and society. Cowards are afraid of the fascists. So afraid, that many of the cowards pretend to be fascists and go goose stepping along, thus avoiding public scrutiny. This sneaky behavior is indicative of some intelligence, maybe, but from a Druid perspective, it is very sinful, for it is a behavior rooted in the very worst sin, lying. However, maybe the cowards can't help being cowards any more than the goose steppers can help how they march.



I need to do Telescope Tomfoolery before I forget this or that.

Dang it Crumby. I need to finish this thought.

You can finish it on up later, Ray.

Noper, you can do your dang telescopery later.

Noper, I'll do it now or else take us off the grid.

Crumby, you better not pull that plug.

I'll pull it Ray.

Why you


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