Friday, October 13, 2006

Ray's thought for the Day - There's Been a Change in the Weather

Brrrr! The temperature in these parts has plunged. It got down to 58 degrees Fahrenheit this morning. It was too cold to venture outside, so Crumby made his servant, Lleu Llaw, set up the telescopery gear so we might espy the pansy thermometer from inside the cozy confines. By the time all that got rigged up, as you may espy, the temperature had already roared up two degrees.

All this rapidly accumulating weather data reminds me that a new month of the CB Druid calendar actually began on September 30th of the Julian. Which means I am tardy in my duty. The month we have been in for a while corresponds to the dates, September 30th to October 27th of the Julian. Er. This month shall be named, I am a happy, frisky pig for cooler weather and the CB tree for the month shall be Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans). Say Raymone, can you bundle up and go out to get a picture of the Indiangrass in the east pasture, tout suite?

Oui monsieur Ray.

No, no, no Ray. You can't send a sensitive artiste like Raymone here out into the terrible frigid cold of the east pasture when I, the Crumby Ovate, can actually espy some of those Indiangrasses from the cozy confines. Lleu Llaw apply your steady hand to the tripod legs so that the telescopery may be lowered. Lower, lower, lower, lower, Stop!!!!. All righty then. Now Raymone, as you may espy I have the camera all set up and focused. All you have to do is kill the flash, and fix the remote and away we go. Hark, a picture of the Indiangrass way out yonder in the east pasture while we are all cozily ensconced within the cozy confines.


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