Sunday, November 19, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - Cinnamon Bun Nostalgia

Yesterday, my cinnamon bun was delicious. And now, I look forward to next Saturday when I shall have another one, Goddess Willing. How many of those cinnamon buns have I devoured? More than one, 50. But less than two, 50s. That's a great many cinnamon buns for one person to consider in terms of personal consumption. Too many even for me to consider.

When you start enumerating all the different items you have guzzled up over the course of time, you can startle yourself. How many taters have I wolfed up? How many catfish? Mercy! What if they all came back to visit me all at once? Mercy!

Now the Homeland holiday, Thanksgiving, is upcoming. It's my very favorite Homeland holiday, largely because all I am obliged to buy or scare up is, groceries. Plus, I really like that particular supper. Turkey with cornbread dressing, giblet gravy, sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, green beans, salad greens, yeasty white bread rolls, canned cranberry sauce, all topped off with lemon merinque pie. Praise the Goddess and All the Wonders, Big and Little!!!! Go figure how I rate all that. I particularly like the canned cranberry sauce that has some whole cranberries scattered around in it.

Being omnivorous by nature in this iteration I shall undoubtedly, Goddess Willing, consume generous portions of all the bounty proferred during that upcoming delicious supper. But I shall also reflect, ironically, on all the work and lives it took to feed me. Mercy!


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