Monday, January 08, 2007

Crumby's Naked Celestial Bodies Contributions to the Druid Calendar for These Parts #1

All righty then Ray, my bosom companion. For Druid Year 1, the current, in the Season of the Polar Bear, Partition Praise Ye WG!!!!, Day 19, the night sky off to the east just on either side of the ecliptic features many of the brightest stars visible from our humble, tiny planet. With the assistance of French astronomical and computer graphics innovation, I have worked up a chart that shows the brightest ones plus Castor and Pollux. All these stars should be visible from all but the very worst polluted locations in Austink. For example, not Congress Avenue between 6th and 8th.

Here that is. The line is the ecliptic. I made some effort to orient the chart so that the average chucklehead, tilting his or her head up, might be able to actually figure out which naked wonder is which by comparing the naked wonders in the heavens to the chart. The azimuth is toward the top with Aldebaran closest to the azimuth. Rigel is south of the ecliptic plane. This chart is about 10 PM, but for our purposes it works from when all these labeled stars become visible after sundown and are above the horizon, around 8:30 PM, until the average chucklehead would have to bend over backwards to espy Aldebaran slipping past the azimuth.


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