Ray's Thought for the Day - The Calendar Versus the Great Titration
Yepper. During the Season of Polaris, also known as Polar Bear, Partition Hep Me WG!!!!, which includes the Day 1, also known as the Winter Solstice, the abiding concern in the scattered Druid enclaves is survivorship. Who shall matriculate the annual worthiness tests, yet who shall not. Outside the Druid enclaves the abiding concern is the tussle between Baby Jesus and Baby Demon Mammon. Inside the Druid enclaves, especially nervous Druids, like my bosom companion, Crumby, may suffer somewhat, but generally, the many interesting distractions of the Druid lifestyle and culture see even the most nervous Druids, like Crumby, through this grim test period. Outside our Druid enclaves, in the confusing Mammonite dominated hinterlands, many are literally ripped apart, like wishbones.
Considering environmental conditions historically occurring in northerly climes, we come to understand, after a brief study of the patterns, that during Polar Bear, humans and proto humans may rely upon canned food, dairy products and our livestock for corporeal sustenance. A diet high in these food items may contribute to the general feelings of nervousness and confusion. Certainly, I was nervous when I ate up the contents of this can. The meatballs, in particular, made me nervous. Then there is also the paucity of sunshine that may also afflict many, adversely. Finally, there is forced association in confined spaces with many you both know, and don’t like.
But Hark! Looking forward across the vast distance indicated by my calendar, I, Ray, Sun God Trainee, may be able to save the worthy among all the rest if I can figure out what areas of our little globe shall remain inhabitable and a fit place to habitate in after the continuing upcoming rapid deterioration of environmental conditions our little globe shall transgress. Consider this, some parts of our little globe may receive adequate precipitation and yet be above sea level after the continuing upcoming rapid deterioration of environmental conditions. Alternatively, I could work on adaptations necessary for survival in the anticipated new environments. Or, I could await the Great Titration. Uh oh. That get’s me back to, Hep Me, WG!!!!
Considering environmental conditions historically occurring in northerly climes, we come to understand, after a brief study of the patterns, that during Polar Bear, humans and proto humans may rely upon canned food, dairy products and our livestock for corporeal sustenance. A diet high in these food items may contribute to the general feelings of nervousness and confusion. Certainly, I was nervous when I ate up the contents of this can. The meatballs, in particular, made me nervous. Then there is also the paucity of sunshine that may also afflict many, adversely. Finally, there is forced association in confined spaces with many you both know, and don’t like.
But Hark! Looking forward across the vast distance indicated by my calendar, I, Ray, Sun God Trainee, may be able to save the worthy among all the rest if I can figure out what areas of our little globe shall remain inhabitable and a fit place to habitate in after the continuing upcoming rapid deterioration of environmental conditions our little globe shall transgress. Consider this, some parts of our little globe may receive adequate precipitation and yet be above sea level after the continuing upcoming rapid deterioration of environmental conditions. Alternatively, I could work on adaptations necessary for survival in the anticipated new environments. Or, I could await the Great Titration. Uh oh. That get’s me back to, Hep Me, WG!!!!
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