Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - My Bosom Companion

My bosom companion, Crumby, is in charge of the water pipes. Yesterday evening, one of those pipes, of the ancient, galvanized variety broke, underground. Crumby happened to be on the spot where the lake was forming between the pecan grove and the east pasture. So espying the lake and suspecting its source, Crumby journeyed off to the west pasture to turn the water off. Then Crumby journeyed back to the east pasture, pecan grove interphase area where Crumby, employing his trusty billdukey, badgered out an excavation in the middle of the lake. Lo and behold, there was the hole in the pipe, squirting water yet.

Crumby journeyed back to the west pasture. Arriving at the water cutoff hole, Crumby decided to crank on the cute little red cutoff faucet handle a tad more. Applying a manly grip Crumby twisted hard. Lo, the little dial spun still. Crumby twisted harder. Lo, the little dial spun still. Crumby applied maximum manpower. The cute little faucet handle came plumb off in Crumby's hand. Lo, the little dial spun still.

Crumby decided to inventory the situtation. Crumby journeyed from water outlet to water outlet. Off. Off. Off. But the broken pipe squirted furiously, yet. "Dang it", hollered Crumby, "I have no water anywhere but here. This is a very bad situation. No water in the Boy's Comfort Station means no ablutions. Plus, however shall I slake my thirst. Plus, how shall I fix this leak with water squirting out of it forming up this aquatic environment. Plus, the handle out front is now broke. I know what to do. I shall throw a temper tantrum."

So then, Crumby threw a temper tantrum and was, consequently, no longer in charge of the water pipes. Meantime, Rayetta dialed 911. Soon, a great many police were on the scene, investigating the emergency. Rayetta explained to the police that Crumby had used excessive manpower, maybe, on the city side of the water line and that the city needed to fix their water line. The police called a plumber. Soon, a kindly yet efficient plumber arrived and fixed us up, temporarily, so that even Crumby, post temper tantrum, was allowed to complete his nightly ablutions.

Hold it! Something's coming in from the DNS.


Ray sugar. I'm OK. I'm safely ensconced in Barrack Room Ballads. See you Friday as planned.

Triplet Kisses,


Er. This is a strange message from my beautiful girlfriend. Is she enduring perils of which, I know not?


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